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XXXTENTACION House/Grave/Murder Location

Chris McAndrew

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

XXXTENTACION whose real name was Jaseh Onfroy bought this 6,000 square feet 4 bedroom 5 bathroom house in December of 2017 for $1,400,000. He didn’t move in right away after buying it though, instead choosing to do a large renovation project on the house including putting in this security fence all the way around the property. Neighbors say construction crews had been working hard at the property for a while, and they say X had just moved in not long before he was killed. They say he was quiet but nice to the other people in the neighborhood.

X was also in the process of buying a much nicer, bigger and more expensive house than this one for his mom Cleopatra Bernard, who likes to be called Cleo, in a gated community near here. It is a 15,000 square feet 6 bedroom, 9 bath home that Cleo ended up closing on a couple of months after her son died for $3,400,000.

He loved his mom and was very protective of her even though he never really lived with her while he was growing up. Cleo was only 17 or 18 when she had him, and she didn’t have much money so she sent him away to live with other people including family members and friends. His half-sister Ariana Onfroy once said she never remembered him living with his mom.

His father Dwayne may have been around some when X was young, but by the time X was 10 his father was sent to prison for nine years on various drug charges.

Not having parents around growing up was hard on X, as it would be on anyone in that situation. He said he would purposely pick fights with other kids at school because he knew then his mom would get in touch with him, even if it ended up being her yelling at him, at least he was able to talk to her.

Eventually he was thrown out of his middle school because of all the fighting and sent to live at a place for troubled youth that was called Sheridan House Family Ministries. Finally when he was 12 he went to live with his grandmother Collette Jones.

Sadly it seems X was still trying to chase his mom to get her attention and get her to love him all the way up until the day he died which would explain why he was buying her a house that was costing him about two and a half times what his own house cost.

After leaving here on the day of his murder X headed to a Bank of America location to withdraw $50,000 in all $100 bills in bank wrappers. After getting the money he tucked it into a small gray checkered Louis Vuitton sling bag.

At 3:30 in the afternoon on Monday June, 18, 2018 X went into the motorsport store. Around that time a black Dodge Journey suv with four people inside parked in the parking lot area. Two men who police later said were 22-year-old Robert Allen and 22-year-old Dedrick Williams got out of the suv and headed into the store just two minutes later at 3:32. Surveillance video from that day shows the men, walking near X while he was talking to a salesman inside the store. The men ended up buying two black masks, then leaving. They got back in the SUV and headed out the back gate.

X continued shopping for a while longer then left the store at 3:55 at which point he walked back to his BMW i8 that was parked here in the parking lot.

When X got here to the back gate as he was trying to leave the parking lot the men in the suv blocked his exit parking right in the road here. It was then when the other two men from the Dodge suv got out, each carrying guns, and came up to X’s window. These two were later identified by police to be 22-year-old Michael Boatright and 20-year-old Trayvon Newsome.

The murder was all caught on the store’s video surveillance. Pretty much as soon as the men got to the driver side door they started demanding the Louis Vuitton bag filled with cash from X. X’s uncle who was in the passenger seat quickly jumped out and ran off. One of the men pointed his gun at the uncle, but then quickly turned his attention back to X.

There was a fight between the men over the bag with the money. The video shows both of them reaching into X’s car and fighting with him for the bag. Eventually Newsome runs around to the other side of the car and actually enters the car through the passenger door. Apparently it was around this time when police say Boatwright started shooting hitting X multiple times as Newsome is able to get the bag from him and they both run back to the suv. At that point, apparent getaway driver Williams hits the gas and off the group of four goes.

All four of the suspects have since been arrested with Williams being the first caught after police traced him based on one of the salesman from the store along with checking his Instagram feed and noticing he posted a bunch of pictures holding lots of cash and wearing bright orange sandals which looked to be the same pair one of the men who went into the store was wearing on the surveillance footage.

The Gardens of Boca Raton Cemetery is X’s final resting place where he has been laid to rest above ground inside a beautiful private mausoleum.

X packed a lot of craziness into his short 20 years on earth. He was actually facing 15 felony charges having to do with a 2016 domestic violence incident that occured between him and his girlfriend at the time. Seven of those felony charges were from the incident itself where his girlfriend claimed he head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her and attacked her in various other ways.

In December of 2017 he was arrested again for witness tampering and harassment. It was at that time when prosecutors added on 8 more felony charges.

He had many other run-ins with the law in previous years including getting six years of probation in August of 2016 when he was charged with armed home invasion, robbery and aggravated battery with a firearm.

We’re not going to go through all the issues he had, but we will point out his friends and family say he had been turning things around in the months before his death. He had a terrible temper, but he was starting to walk away most of the time when he was angry and giving himself a chance to cool down a bit instead of fighting with the people he was with.

His music career was on fire when he died. He had just signed a ten million dollar album deal shortly before his death. It would have been interesting to see what direction X would have gone if he would have been given more time on earth. He could have been a tremendous example for others and a story of redemption and forgiveness. Sadly, four evil men took his life away from him long before it ever should have ended, so we’ll never know what he would be doing now or would have done in the future.

And to think these guys did this for some cash and a Louis Vuitton bag. Now they are facing jail time and maybe even death sentences themselves. X’s father Dwayne Onfroy says he wants the two gunman to get the death penalty and the other two to get life in prison. The case is still working its way through the court system at this point in time.

We cordially invite you to come along as we visit the former house of famous rapper XXXTentacion along with his death location and grave. We visit his house in Parkland, Florida, RIVA Motorsports in Deerfield Beach where X was shot and killed and also his his beautiful grave at The Gardens of Boca Raton.

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Heather and Chris McAndrew

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